Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Sarah Palien Joins Fox News

Well I cant say that I saw this coming, but it isn't exactly surprising either. If you refer to my earlier post Enlightened Thought, I commented how the Fox News network was basically shoving Sarah Palien down everyones throats, and now she is on their pay roll and will be weighing in a lot more often. Does she intend on using this as free media to propagate a future political career or is this a move out of the political arena? Only time will tell.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Last Day of 2009

The last day of 2009 will be a day that almost everyone will forget, either because they want block out the memory of drinking themselves to death, or because they actually can not remember anything due the excessive amounts of alcohol that they consumed.

As we head into a new decade lets try to remember some of the worst moments of the past 10 years.

Al Gore and George Bush are the front runners in the presidential race

World Trade Centers and Pentagon attacked

Iraq war 2003-current

Kerry was the opposition to George Bush in presidential race

Global recession

Candidate of Change has changed nothing... as expected

Now lets see how children who were born 2000 and on are different than those who were not.

Cell Phones in elementary school

Mp3 players, no Walkmans or huge ass radios

Grew up with the internet as we know it.

Always had computers with graphic interfaces

They never played Nintendo 64!!!!!

Pluto isn't a planet anymore

MTV isn't about music anymore

Whats a floppy disk/VHS/CD?

They are fucked !!! lol

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Enlightened Thought

First I want to comment about previous posts about Obama that I wrote a while ago. President Obama has backed off his war against Fox News. It appears this was an ill fated strategy to promote his ideals that ultimately ended up polarizing the opposing factions even more than what they were.

Fox News is in no respect a news organization with journalistic integrity. For example, when Congressman Ron Paul ran for President back in 2008, Fox News was blatantly putting him down any chance they got. Fox News now supports the Tea Party Movement whose support base, in large part, were former supporters of Ron Paul. They are now spoon-feeding this movement with a new figurehead, Sarah Palien. Nice work Fox News.......

Which now leads me to the Enlightened Thought portion of this post. I have always been aware of the bias that Fox News presents, but I never really put its bias into a context in which it tries to control its viewers. I agree with conservative thought but I have lost any viewer ship status with Fox News due to its blatant corruption of the conservative view it presents. Not only do they have a bias against liberal ideology, but they also corrupt their own viewpoint for the sake of what I would call "good news". To be safe, I would recommend that everyone avoid cable news all together. Their interests do not lie in journalism but rather their own ratings.

The idea for this post was spawned by a conversation I had with my friend about radical literature. I cited that the people who watch Cable News were like the people in Fahrenheit 451. Fahrenheit 451, being a piece of radical literature itself is about getting radical literature into the hands of everyone. We came to the conclusion that radical literature has an intended audience consisting of those who can actually be objective when reading it. The irony of Fahrenheit 451 was exposed! Assuming that most people are sheep, they would not read literature objectively. This would make said literature just as worthless as the tv they were watching.

The connection was made between the paragraph above and classic American democracy, which is the educated members of society should have the say in what happens for the country as a whole. Current political atmosphere dictates that this philosophy is flawed, but one cannot ignore the thought process behind it. Can "enlightenment" be reached by society or is it forsaken to sheepdom? This is the question that influences our view of the world.

By the way, my blog posts have become predominantly more meaningful than what the blog describes what they ought to be. Believe it or not, this was an attempt to get back to the philosophical genre that I had originally intended for this blog.

Monday, December 7, 2009

12 Cookies at Subway, my vomit everywhere

Advisory: DO NOT, get cookies at subway. You WILL puke.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

The shrine to Obama in the Kennedy Foyer = gtfo

When Obama started his presidential campaign in the gym at Kennedy Highschool, I felt that it was a watershed moment in Kennedy History. Never again would any other political belief be looked upon as anything but ignorance. This school is saturated with underlying tones of Obamas presence everywhere. But one that is BLATENTLY obvious is the SHRINE in the FOYER. Seriously that is just asinine. I want to know who put that shit up, and who is allowing it to remain there for the better part of 2 years. FUCK that shit man.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Obama hates Fox News, and I hate Obama

So Obama has publicly stated that information being broadcasted from the Fox network is to be deemed," not news" and that they are an "extension of the GOP"

SINCE WHEN did american presidents try to smear members of the press. Even if what they are saying has a bias, the first amendment gives them the right to say whatever they want about the president. Shouldnt americans decide for themselves what they want to hear rather than listening to what the sitting government is trying to impose on them.

I watch fox news. I am aware of their right bias. I am also aware that other MSNBC has a left bias, but where is obama nailing them for the same crime fox is commiting. Fact is, Obama said on his campaign trail that he was going to cast aside old differences and view americans as americans rather than conservatives and liberals, republicans and democrats.

If obama hates fox news, then he must hate those that agree with what fox is saying. He, as my president, has labeled me as the opposition to america. THAT is why i HATE obama, because he hates me.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

ACT Practice = oh shit

So I go to this web site and I take the math practice tests. Basically what followed was a night of googling formulas and how-to's for stuff that I should have learned in the 8th grade. It was terrible, I highly reccomend touching up on your shit because the ACT will pwn you with questions that you are drawing a blank on, but in the back of your head, you know how to do.

Do not wing it..........